How To Use softlens
- Wash your hands with soap and dry with a clean towel before touching softlenses. It's recommended to always take softlens in the same disposition to prevent interchangeable softlens.
- Open lens case and put softlens on palm hand.
- Drop 3-5 points of X2 Sanso + Bio Formula Multi-purpose Solution on every surfaces of softlens.
- Gently rub both surfaces of softlens for 10 seconds on each side.
- Put softlens on the tip of ring finger of your right hand.
- Put the middle finger of right hand near the lower eyelashes and pull the lower eyelid. Pull your upper eyelid upwards using the middle finger of your left hand.
- Look straight ahead and insert softlens into your eyes.
- Look straight ahead and insert softlens into your eyes.
- Remove eyes from eyelid and blink. Softlens will shift into the correct position by itself.
- repeat procedure for left eye.
- Use mirror if necessary.